Say farewell to the good girl,
desperate to be good-enough.
Say hello to your freedom & joy.
Enter Your
Villain Era
You’ll never truly feel pleased (or pleasure) when you sacrifice yourself to get there.
And you’ll never feel like “enough” by trying so hard to be good.
Are you tired of always putting everyone else first?
Over constantly seeking approval, afraid to say no?
Exhausted by being your own worst critic?
In your “good girl” era, no matter what you do, it’s never enough
You are both entirely too much—too needy, too sensitive, too desperate—
And wholly inadequate, all at the same time.
The villain knows what the good girl* craves—a self-worth so deep they are free to be and choose themselves.
*What I call Good Girl Programming is gender neutral. All genders are invited to embrace their Inner Villain, and the program is actively gender-queer. (What are gender roles but another construct of “goodness” after all?)
In your Villain Era, you’re free.
Quiet the harsh inner critic, who’s never satisfied with how much you give and do—
So you can know the relief of mental peace.
Let anger be your friend—
So you no longer fear your own fire.
Center your needs and set boundaries without fear—
So you can safely open to the pleasure of your life.
Liberate your desire and your authentic self—
So life feels a lot more fun.
“Through the journey [of Villain Era], there is a lightness that was never there because Kyley has allowed me to look at what I previously hid away and deemed too ugly to allow it to exist."
It is about permission to exist, exactly as you are
—wild, imperfect, messy, entirely too much, and forever a work-in-progress—
without making a damn thing wrong.
It’s a rescue mission, for the best parts of your heart and soul,
And it’s the secret to the life you have been dreaming of.
You deserve to be free from the prison of “should,” the pressure to make everyone else happy first, and a diet of breadcrumbs.
You deserve to finally come first in your own life.
set a sacred fire to the idea that anything outside of you defines you.
Until the moment you do, the rage and resentment will burn you from the inside out.
If you want more from life—
Meet Your Co-Hosts
Enter Your Villain Era is hosted by me, queen of alchemy and shadow work, and a pantheon of Dark Goddesses.
Dark Goddesses are divine feminine and gender-queer beings whose mythology and magic push the limits of societal expectations of “niceness” in favor of truth, justice, and radical love.
Each week features the magic and mythology of different divine being, in the service of setting us free.
Brigid is a Celtic goddess of fire and fertility turned into a Catholic saint–a process by which she was stripped of her grit and the terrible fierceness of her mythology–to make her palatable for the colonization of Ireland and the agenda of the Church.
But, of course, she has always ruptured through the tidy “good girl” story that was put upon her, and she steps forward in Villain Era to help us burn away the false stories that try to tame us and never can.
Kali is a Hindu goddess often depicted holding a severed head in one of her many hands, her tongue out and teeth sharp, as she stands on a pile of bones – which is perhaps not the first thing you’d imagine for the Divine Mother.
But her presence, if you are lucky enough to be held by it, is undeniably that of a deep and unending maternal love.
She steps forward in Villain Era to remind you that you are both soft and fierce, nurturing and terrifying. She helps us access, activate, and trust our own sacred rage and the source of unconditional love that it truly is.
Loki, genderqueer Norse god of divine chaos and tricks is, like his Marvel Universe counterpart, an anti-hero in the best possible sense.
His week in Villain Era reminds us that –when we feel safe enough in our own skin and with our own truth to let ourselves be the villain in someone else’s story–we are truly free.
It is a freedom that unlocks the kind of undeniable magnetism and joy that makes life much more fun.
Lilith, the ungovernable woman God made for Adam, before Eve, invites us to turn our desire all the way on, and let it rule our lives.to delicious and liberating results.
Greek goddess of witchcraft and crossroads, Hekate is known as being neither good nor bad, morally neutral, following her own internal compass when decisions are made. She is a god of overwhelming power, and terrifying to some as a result.
She steps forward in Villain Era to activate the deep, deep well of your own power, that you might know it and trust it as your compass, your protection, and your path.
Aphrodite is the goddess of LOVE, a thing we’ve been taught to mistake for a soft, shallow, vapid and weak. But love is the most profound, bloody, vital force in the entire universe—perhaps the only power that can truly shatter illusions and birth worlds.
We’ve been taught to reduce her to vanity and self-indulgence, but Aphrodite invites us into a terrifying kind of self-love that rips away masks. Love that demands you stand naked in front of yourself and say: This is me, and I am worthy, as I am.
And only from here can we harness the depth and power of a love that that changes worlds and topples empires.
What You Get
Enter Your Villain Era is the where you stop apologizing for who you are & start taking up the space you were always meant to own.
Here’s exactly what you get when you step inside:
Six weeks of live group coaching with me.
Every week, we meet for 90 minutes of deep-dive coaching, untangling the places you’ve been made small, and bringing you into full, undeniable self-trust.
And if you’ve ever been in a group call with me, you already know—people have wild, life-changing breakthroughs every time.
We begin Tuesday March 4th at 4:30pm EST
Six weeks of powerful content and embodiment practices.
Each week, we explore a different goddess—not just in theory, but as an active force in your life.
• A lesson on that week’s goddess—their mythology, their rebellion, and how their story unlocks yours.
• A guided meditation and activation—energetic healing to bring their power into your life.
• A somatic exercise—a practice designed to help you physically embody the essence of that week’s transformation.
A group chat for real-time connection and breakthroughs.
We don’t go it alone. Between calls, you get a private space to process, ask questions, share insights, and be witnessed.
And most importantly?
You walk out of these six weeks completely, unapologetically yourself.

My recovering people-pleasers and perfectionists, ready for freedom from their harsh inner critic.
Anyone with a default fawn or freeze trauma response, eager for easy boundaries and uncomplicated access to NO.
Anyone who’s mad about the pattern of self-sacrifice they learned ages ago, and ready to live a life that finally meets their needs. -
Enter Your Villain Era is a six-week program designed to liberate you from the pain of putting yourself last. The program includes:
*weekly live calls,
*pre-recorded self-paced curriculum,
*and a community chat
Live calls will be held Wednesday from 4:00-5:30pm eastern time, beginning July 31st. (Replays will always be posted.)
We begin March 4th.
We will meet Tuesdays from 4:30-6:00pm eastern time. (Replays will always be posted.)
“You [helped] me feel loved and accepted in ways that I struggled to love and accept myself. And you have fearlessly and generously walked me through the steps of detangling and reframing my inner narrative, and letting friction, resistance, shame, and fear be portals.”
“Do you know how long I took the idea of fixing myself so seriously, instead of taking loving myself so seriously? Now I am able to say that I love all parts
of myself.”